[Featured Student Works]GFM's Luxury Fashion Brand Mgt. (SFT513) class concluded with students integrating 'Generative AI and the metaverse' into their group projects

6 Dec 2023

In the SFT513 Luxury Fashion Brand Management class, our students embarked on a comprehensive journey to develop a luxury fashion brand audit report for their final group project. This undertaking required a thorough analysis of the brand's strategic 'contexts' and 'capabilities,' leading to meticulously crafted strategic 'choices.' Despite the challenges associated with addressing three extensive aspects and preparing a 15-minute presentation, every student showcased exceptional skills and dedication, surpassing expectations. Notably, they seamlessly integrated Generative AI and the metaverse into their strategic choices and recommendations for their selected brands. Here's a glimpse of one student project that beautifully illustrates the successful integration of generative AI!

(OFF)-WHITE Group (generative AI element around 14:05)

LANVIN Group (metaverse element around 14:27)

Donna Karan Group (metaverse element around 13:25)