The AI-Generated Virtual Humans research theme focuses on examining consumer attitudes and engagements with virtual entities. It particularly emphasizes the exploration of how consumers react to various manifestations and behaviors of AI-generated virtual humans in different contexts, such as influencers and sales assistants. The primary goal of this research is to produce practical insights that can be strategically employed in the promotion and marketing of fashion products and services.
Research Outputs
Ki, C.*, Cho, E., & Lee, J. (2020). Can an intelligent personal assistant (IPA) be your friend? Para-friendship development mechanism between IPAs and their users. Computers in Human Behavior, 111.
Kim, I., Ki, C.*, & Kim, Y. (2022). Are virtual fashion influencers (VFIs) cool and eerie? Effects of VFIs’ form- and behavioral-realism on consumer ambivalence. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.